Wurm Online Shop
Add premium game time
to your account.
1 month currently costs 7.99 Euro.
1 month premium (ingame) costs 10 silver coins (value 12.99 Euro).
Read more at the main site.

Going for water

You need to login to the Wurm Online Game Server using your Player name and password before you can purchase premium time and silver coins using PayPal.
Wurm Unlimited players - this shop is for the Wurm Online MMO server only. While Code Club AB also sells the Steam-based game Wurm Unlimited, it is not affiliated with any Wurm Unlimited servers.
Got no Wurm Online game account? Register a name now and begin playing Wurm for free!
We recommend creating a PayPal account but you can also pay using a credit card and debit card through PayPal without an account by following these steps:
Click on the "Buy now" button for the item you wish to purchase, which will take you to the PayPal Checkout page.
Click on the "If you do not currently have a PayPal account" button in the middle of the page.